Welcome Back!!
The month of May has seemed to drag on FOREVER to me, but when I take a look back at everything that has happened I can understand why. Let's take a look at all the craziness the month of May threw my way.
On May 4th, I finally left behind the teenage world and turned 20! Since it was on a Sunday and I had to study for two finals the next day I didn't do much. My mom came down with my presents and we went out to lunch, and then later that day Robbie took me out for a birthday dinner!
The entire first week of May consisted of finals and packing up my dorm room to finally move back home. Having met my freshman year and spending the entirety of my sophomore year in my dorm room, Forest (my dorm) has become a major staple in mine and Robbie's relationship. I'm not saying I'll miss living in a dorm, but there was a bittersweet moment as I locked the door for the final time.
As many of you may know, I recently got a promotion at work to be a key holder and started my training and actually new schedule all during the month of May. I absolutely love it, and even though at some points it feels like the whole store is resting on my shoulders, I wouldn't change a thing.
On May 14th I became a big girl and had my first surgery on my wrist. I've done a blog post and a YouTube video about this experience, and all the troubles I ran into afterward. But having a wonderful mom and an amazing boyfriend who both took care of me made it all a little less scary. Also receiving beautiful flowers from my dad put a huge smile on my face!

A few days after my surgery I finally got to have my birthday dinner with my dad, grandparents and Robbie at one of my favorite restaurants in downtown Indy, The Old Spaghetti Factory! This was my first real trip outside of my bedroom in about three days, so it was wonderful!
And finally to wrap up my busy month of May, my best friend Amber recently moved into her own place and had a hilarious house warming/birthday party this past weekend. Living an hour away from all of my friends from high school the past two years has led me to miss out on a lot of fun times and laughs, but its always wonderful when I get the chance to be with everyone again.
Even having worked my butt off this past month, I have still had time to discover some new favorite products. EOS lip balm and Batiste dry shampoo have been saving my life at work!!! They are both definitely worth the price. Of course I am still in love with Bobs Burgers and YouTube, which both take up about all of my time when I'm not working.
If you haven't kept up lately I will be leaving for Disney World in one week and have been buying things like crazy. Make sure to check out my Pre-Disney World Haul video on my YouTube channel!
Make sure you guys follow me on any social media you have. All of my accounts are linked to the right!
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