Thursday, January 23, 2014

Pinterest - Dream Closet

Welcome Back!!

Continuing on with sharing my Pinterest boards with you, today I will be covering my 'Dream Clothes" board. Now when people see me in class or just walking around campus they usually see yoga pants and a t-shirt, something that I am comfortable doing anything in. If I'm going to be sitting in classes all day, I want to be comfortable so I can pay attention. But I promise you I really do own cute clothes, which I wear to work and save for days when I want to look really good. However, in the dead of winter I never want to look good, all I want to do is lay in bed and watch Netflix. Soon spring and summer will be rolling in and that's when they real fun can happen. There are so many more possibilities when deciding what to wear! So after that rant most of my pictures today will be clothes that are spring and summer related. 


 Being comfy doesn't mean I can't express myself! The shirts above could not explain my life any better, and I'm ashamed, as well as proud of myself, for not ordering any of them. If I did, I would never wear any of my other clothes ever again. But it's good to just have those days where you relax in sweatpants and a comfy shirt, a time to unwind and not worry about impressing anyone. 


I am a girl who LOVES to wear dresses, and as soon as spring and summer dresses start coming out in stores, I couldn't be more excited. Each dress is so unique and can have so many different options with shoes, jewelry and hair styles. I feel as though dresses are one of the easiest ways to express your style, while still looking absolutely adorable. My two favorites above have to be the two with the bows, once again my obsession has snuck into a post. 


Summer is the time of tans, late nights and memories - the time to show some skin. Tank tops are my favorite things to wear in the summer, they're so versatile and easy to pair with so many outfits. Also, they can be worn throughout the entire year by simply pairing them with a cardigan or jacket. And I added in the baseball shorts above because they are just too cute! 

Bathing Suits 

One of my favorite things about spring and summer is buying a new bathing suit! Each year so many cute styles come out, but this year I am really loving one pieces, and no not just because I'm chubby. Two pieces can only be so original, but with a one piece so have more fabric with which to create something beautiful. Easily, my favorite one is the bottom left; absolutely in love!!

Remember guys these are only a small, small glimpse of what is on my 'Dream Closet' board on Pinterest. So to find out more about my style, and to see what else I love check out my profile, the link is off to the right! 

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